5 Ways to Search This Website
Finding Your Information Is Easy!
The council has many thousands of pages of relevant local information available, much of which will be published on this website over time.
By using a web publishing system, we have developed a site that will
hopefully provide you with all the information you need, 24 hours a day.
It is our aim to provide you with as much rich information as possible and allow you to easily access and find this information.
Our website is constantly evolving and we are constantly upgrading and improving the search and indexes to make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for.
There are five key ways to find information on this web site:
1. Site Navigation – Local Information
Aside from the main navigation at the top of the website, the website main information navigation is organised using categories that represent departments and topics within the Council.
This provides a structure to the way in which all the information on the website is organised.
For instance, ‘ Paying Your Council Tax ‘ would be found under:
You are here: Home | Information | Council, government and democracy | Councils | Council tax and finance | Paying Your Council Tax
Because ALL information is categorised in this way, the website can
automatically build a relationship between forms, files, FAQs etc.
These are displayed at the foot of all pages on the site as ‘Related Forms’ or ‘Related FAQs’ etc.
The ‘What’s New on Site’ for example, displays a list of all the newest information added to the website.
2. Main navigation and Information Index
The main navigation, situated at the top of the site is where to find the main sections of the web site. From an A-Z of council services, News through to helpful links.
Available from the main navigation at the top of the website, ‘Information’ provides a definitive list of all the available categories of information, with the sub-categories displayed underneath. Much like the contents of a book.
3. Keyword Search
The keyword search is available from the top bar of the website.
This is a global website search that will look for keywords in all sections of the website.
Although not an exhaustive method of searching, a quick keyword search will often find the pages you are looking for.
It is important to remember that this website has many, many pages of content, so searching for a common word, may yield many results.
Search results are split into sections, for quick reference. And these can be clicked at the top of the page.
The keywords in the results are also highlighted to help quickly identify the context in which the word appears.
4. Advanced Search
Similar to the keyword search, ‘Advanced Search’ enables you to refine the search criteria, so that you can search by section and by combinations of words.
5. A-Z of Services
The A-Z is a definitive list of all Council services, organised alphabetically. Many services are listed with ‘alternative’ titles.
So you should find ‘Abandoned Vehicles’ under both A for ‘Abandoned’ and V for ‘Vehicles’.
We hope that you find using the site searches and index easy and that it provides you with the information that you are looking for.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us and we will respond with a resolution as quickly as possible.