Annual Report 2010-11
Published by:
Corporate Governance
Making Sure We Delivered in 2010/11….
- We managed to save over £1m compared to our Budget for 2010/11. This is now the 7th year that we have successfully balanced the books.
- Staff sickness absence levels hit at an all-time low at just 6 days per employee. Compared to 2009/10 there have been over 1,000 fewer sick days which in staff costs equates to just over £155,000.
- 99% of our invoices were paid on time helping businesses with their cash flow.
- 115 people were caught for benefit fraud and we are recovering the £379K they fraudulently claimed.
- In line with the Coalition Government’s transparency agenda we publish all expenditure over £500 to ensure we are open about our spending.
- We expanded our Contact Centre to include more Council Services providing a better service to you.
- Over 9,000 residents used our E-Services; allowing customers to check their Benefit and Council Tax Accounts as well as calculating and completing their Housing and Council Tax Benefit online.
- It’s now much easier to search and track planning applications in Hyndburn. All planning application documents and decisions since 1974 are now available to view online.
- We were awarded the Payroll Giving Award, recognising the great contribution our staff make to charities through salary donations.
- We have a great record of fund-raising and raised nearly £1,000 for charities like, Samaritans, Maundy Relief and Breast Cancer.
Would you like further information about our work force? Our workforce profile provides information about the people we have recruited, the composition of the workforce, the use of discipline, grievance and other procedures, and information about employees who leave the authority.