Annual Report 2010-11

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Helping to deliver on the economy in 2010/11….

  • A £2 million refurbishment saw Accrington Market Hall returned to its former glory. This investment together with the creation of the Enterprise Havens on the top floor balcony was instrumental in our success in becoming Britain’s best indoor market.
  • We worked with the Pension Service and Welfare Rights to ensure local older people are receiving their full benefit entitlement.
  • A virtual redundancy taskforce was operational in 2010/11, ensuring all our partners, including Job Centre+ and the Benefits Service were working in the best possible way to help out of work people in Hyndburn.
  • We worked with our partners to produce the Employment Information Pack providing advice to people who were looking for work.
  • A successful apprenticeship scheme run by the Council with Accrington and Rossendale College saw 95 local people, who were previously on benefits, placed into employment with organisations from the public and private sector.
  • We provided financial assistance to local organisations to help people in difficult circumstances, such as ex-offenders, onto the path to getting a job.
  • The Council has continued to attract key employers to the borough. In 2010 the new Tesco store opened its doors. We worked with JobCentre+ to ensure Tesco recruited from our deprived wards.