Comment on a Planning Application (Object or Support)
Planning Consultation Process
Most types of application are advertised by means of a notice placed on or adjacent to the site and, in general, this meets legal obligations. On occasion, notification letters are sent by post to immediate neighbouring properties.
We do not attempt to find the legal owner of neighbouring properties.
Some applications, such as major applications or applications in a Conservation Area are advertised in the Accrington Observer.
The full Planning Consultation Process is outlined in our Publicity Procedure for Planning Applications document and you can also view our Statement of Community Involvement
To ensure that your comments are taken into account we must receive them by the latest date stated on the neighbour notification letter, Site or Press Notice. We will normally accept comments later than the date stated if the planning officer’s report has not been written.
Please write to –
Development Management
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street
or e-mail
Regrettably we do not have the resources to acknowledge any comments received, for applications received after 23 May 2018 we no longer publish neighbour comments either in support of or objecting to planning applications.
Comments, including the name and address of the person making the comment, can be viewed on request at the Council Offices at Scaitcliffe House (subject to access to the Council Offices being available for the public).
Although neighbour comments are not routinely displayed on the website we may on occasion redact and publish comments, and/or provide the redacted comments electronically to the agent/applicant and Councillors. In the event of an appeal any comments are sent to the Planning Inspectorate and Appellant.
Comments are passed to the Planning Officer and relevant concerns summarised in the Officer’s report which is published on the website.
Please refrain from comments of a personal nature as we cannot take account of them, and you are responsible for any offensive or inaccurate comments.
For independent guidance on how to comment please see this independent blog.
The Royal Town Planning Institute also have advice on how to comment on their website at How do I comment on a planning application
Planning Committee meetings are again being held as physical meetings on Council premises, but please note the venue for an individual meeting may have changed .
If you wish to speak at the meetings you need to give at least three working days notice to enable to make the necessary arrangements.
If you only want to attend the meeting the Agenda and venue details will be available before the meeting and can be found on the Planning Committee meeting schedule page.
Please continue to make representations to Councillors and make comments to us as above.
If you are submitting a petition, please list the number of comments, either on the petition or on a covering letter. Please note that we can only consider relevant planning issues and that a petition not addressing planning issues will not carry any weight, whereas it is worthwhile sending a single letter with a relevant planning issue.
After the deadline, the Council will proceed to decide the application.
All applications, and decisions are put on the website and can be found on the website. However this will only currently search by application number. Please follow this link to the current search procedure.
To see more about how we record and store your information please see the Council’s privacy notice.