Community Trigger
What will happen next?
Once you have requested a Community Trigger, an officer from Hyndburn Borough Council will arrange for partner agencies involved in your case to provide details of your complaints and the actions that they have considered and taken. We will aim to do this within 10 working days.
An officer from Hyndburn Borough Council will then contact you to confirm if the Community Trigger threshold has been met. If it is met, a case review will be undertaken by the partner agencies. At the review meeting, information relating to your case will be shared, assess what actions have previously been taken and decide whether additional actions are possible.
The applicant is informed of the outcome of the review. If further actions are necessary these will be discussed with the applicant along with timescales. We will aim to do this within 10 working days after the review meeting.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the outcome of the case review, they are able to request an appeal. We will aim to contact the applicant within 10 working days following the appeal to inform them of the outcome.
Please note: if the case review panel make a recommendation involving other agencies, they are not obliged to carry these out, however they should consider them and may be challenged if they choose not to carry them out without good reason.