Council Tax
What is Council Tax?
What does my council tax pay for?
Council Tax pays for local services – including schools, highways, social services, libraries, parks, waste services, the Police and the Fire Service. How your Council Tax is broken down exactly can be found on the links below.
Each authority who received Council Tax (known as preceptors) reach the levels of Council Tax as part of their annual budgeting process and each preceptor sets its own levels of Council Tax, including any rises or reductions.
Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner
Details of Hyndburn Council’s budget can be found here.
How is Council Tax calculated?
Each property is assigned to a Council Tax band. The Bands (from A to H) were determined in 1991 when Council Tax was being introduced and are based on the value of that property at the time. While property values have changed in real terms since then, on the whole the bands are still relative to the property values today
You can find the band of a property here. If you think your property is in an incorrect band, you can appeal.
Council Tax is split into two main elements: a property element and a person element, each worth 50%. The person element of Council Tax is based on two or more adults living in the property. When there is only one adult living in the property, this is reduced by half (or 25% of the overall bill).
Each authority which receives Council Tax sets its own rate before the beginning of the financial year. Currently, Council Tax rises above 3% are not possible without a public referendum.
Why do I pay more in Altham?
Altham has a parish council and residents in Altham pay for it through their Council Tax. You can find more information about the work of Altham Parish Council by contacting the chair of the council – Rennie Pinder Tel: 01254 384266 or email: