Council Tax
Tell us about a move
If the someone has moved within Hyndburn, they will need to complete a moving house form.
Tell us someone has moved in or out
You can tell us about people moving in to or out of your property by email or by calling us. We will need to take some details including details of their previous (or new) address and details of the date they moved.
If you were previously the only resident adult in the property, your Council Tax may now increase.
If you are now the only adult living in the property you may be entitled to a discount. We can award this by email and over the phone but may ask you to complete a single occupancy discount form.
How to report a death
You can report a death over the telephone or by emailing us. We will give your enquiries priority.
Alternatively you may wish to consider the Tell Us Once service which allows you to report a multiple agencies at once, including us.