Development Management DPD

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Development Management DPD Examination


The Secretary of State has appointed Victoria Lucas-Gosnald LLB MCD MRTPI of the Planning Inspectorate to conduct the examination. The Inspector has pulled together a Examination Guidance Note to explain the procedural and administrative matters relating to the examination.

Introductory Letter from the Inspector

Programme Officer

The Programme Officer for the examination is Stuart Sambrook. Any correspondence with regard to the examination should be sent to: Stuart Sambrook, Programme Officer, Hyndburn Borough Council, Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington, BB5 0PF Phone 01254 380695 or by email to .


The Development Management DPD was submitted to the Secretary of State on 30th January 2017. The submission included a variety of supporting documents and representations received during the public consultation on the Proposed DPD which took place between September to November 2016.


The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the criteria for determining soundness. To be sound the plan must be:

  • Postively prepared
  • Justified
  • Effective; and
  • Consistent with national policy

There are three possible outcomes to the examination.

  • The submitted plan is sound;
  • The submitted plan is not sound but could be made sound by changes (referred to as main modifications), if necessary following additional work; or
  • The submitted plan is not sound and could not be made sound by changes.

Examination Library

All the Examination documents can be viewed online in the Examination Library or in hard copy at Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington during office hours.  All documents submitted to the Inspector after submission will be added to the Examination Library in due course by the Programme Officer.

Initial questions from the Inspector to the Council

Council’s response to the Inspector’s initial questions

Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs)

Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs). Any comments and questions should be sent to the Programme Officer by 12 noon on 31 March 2017.

Public Hearings

The examination hearing will take place Wednesday 17th May and Thursday 18th May 2017 at Scaitcliffe House, Accrington. The purpose is to consider whether the plan meets the requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and associated Regulations and whether it is sound in accordance with national policy and guidance.

A final version of the Hearing Timetable will be published on this examination page around two weeks before the start of the hearings. It will be for the individual participants to check the progress of the hearings, either on the website or with the Programme Officer, to ensure that they are present at the right time.

If you have any further questions please contact Stuart Sambrook the Programme Officer: