Dog Warden

Dog Warden Service

The stray dog collection service works from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm

(Last collection time is 4.15pm)

Anything out of these times, you will need to contact the kennels directly or keep it until the next working day.

There may be times when the Dog Warden may be unavailable due to demands on the service.

The Dog Wardens role:

Collecting stray dogs

Educating the public on responsible dog ownership through providing information

Promoting awareness and guidance on dog legislation

Enforcing legislation that applies to microchipping and straying

Enforcing legislation that applies to the Borough’s Public Space Protection Orders

Aggressive dogs towards dogs

The Dog Warden Service does not deal with:

You should contact the Police to investigate on 101 unless an emergency where you should dial 999:

Dogs acting in a dangerous or aggressive manner (giving people reasonable fear of attack)

Dogs worrying livestock on agricultural land

Road traffic collisions involving dogs

Control of guard dogs

Dogs being used for illegal purposes (i.e. poaching, fighting, coursing)

Dogs in cars on hot days

If you are worried about an animal’s welfare, then you need to contact the RSPCA 

Contact us on:

Phone:- 01254 388111 Email:-