Habitats Survey 2019

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The Habitats Survey has been undertaken for Hyndburn Borough Council by an independent Ecological Consultant Graeme Skelcher

HBC Habitats Survey 2019 Main reportDownload
HBC Habitats Survey 2019 Appendix 1 introductionDownload
HBC Habitats Survey 2019 Appendix 1 part 2 LPlan sites LOW RESOLUTIONDownload
HBC Habitats Survey 2019 Appendix 1 part 2 DWS LOW RESOLUTIONDownload
HBC Habitats Survey 2019 Appendix 2 Potential DWSDownload
HBC Habitats Survey 2019 Appendix 3 NVC communitiesDownload
HBC Habitats Survey 2019 Appendix 4 List of digital filesDownload
