Flooding incidents
To report a blocked watercourse
The Council has powers under the Land Drainage Act 1991 and Public Health Act 1936 to deal with watercourses where there is a risk of flooding and also provides a first response service for flooding incidents. We also inspect and arrange for maintenance to be carried out on culverts where there are known problems with blockages.
If any member of the public is concerned about the condition of a watercourse that may lead to flooding they should contact the Engineering Team on 01254 388111 or e-mail mailto: planning@hyndburn.gov.uk.
Flooding incidents can have many causes from a defective sewer or burst watermain to a blocked culvert or simply excessive rainfall. The Council acts as a first response contact to deal with flooding incidents until the cause can be determined.
The Council does not currently have any sandbags available to residents, however they can be purchased at builders’ yards / merchants or do-it-yourself shops. Our role is to make an initial assessment of responsibility and call out the relevant organisation to deal with the incident.