Hazardous Substances Consent
Hazardous Substances Consent - advice for site applicants
Sites which want to hold certain quantities of hazardous substances must obtain consent from the Hazardous Substances Authority (HSA), which in Hyndburn is Hyndburn Borough Council. HBC will consult with the Health and Safety Executive for their assessment of the risks and hazards, which is determined by the amount and nature of the substance(s).
HSE will consider the hazards and risks which the hazardous substance may present to people in the surrounding area, and advise Hyndburn BC accordingly. If Hyndburn BC grant consent, HSE will produce a map with three risk contours (or zones), representing defined levels of risk or harm which any individual would be subject to. This map defines the consultation distance within which HSE must be consulted over any relevant future planning applications, and the site is then known as a Hazardous Installation.
We can assess a site during any pre-application advice request enabling applicants to proceed with any application with confidence.
HSE has produced an online ‘wizard’ to guide applicants through the major-hazard information required in an application for hazardous substances consent. The wizard aims to ensure full information is included in applications which will help avoid delays in processing and consultation by planning authorities. The wizard can be found at http://www.hse.gov.uk/landuseplanning/application-forms-hazardous-consent.htm