Housing Advice and Homelessness
Within Housing Advice, we can offer help and advice on housing-related issues for people seeking housing advice from renting accommodation to advice on benefits and entitlements, dealing with private landlords, homelessness and housing issues in relation to relationship breakdown.
– If you are at risk of becoming homeless or rough sleeping or know someone who is at risk of becoming homeless or rough sleeping please call Hyndburn council on 01254 388111 and ask to speak to housing advice.
– If calling out of regular working hours please call the out of hours number (available by calling 01254 388111) and follow the instructions.
The Council is committed to preventing, wherever possible, homelessness occurring, but in those cases where it does, we provide a comprehensive assessment, support and resettlement service which is responsive to the needs of clients and that is aimed at preventing re-occurrence of homelessness.
Private Tenants Advice and Support
How do I find a private let? / Where to Look for Private Rented Accommodation
The B-with-us CBL Scheme will allow you to choose where you would prefer to live from the housing that is available. The scheme is being introduced by four Local Authorities and 21 partner organisations
The Rent Deposit/Bond Scheme is designed to assist people who are threatened with homelessness within the terms of the homelessness legislation, eligible for assistance and in priority need.
Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) are independent housing organisations registered with the Housing Corporation under the Housing Act 1996. Most are housing associations, but there are also trusts, co-operatives and companies.
Onward Homes understand how important it is for you to find the right property for you. They can help you find a home across East Lancashire that suits your needs and have dedicated staff who are there to help you along the way.
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)
Anyone at risk of sleeping rough on the streets should call the Housing Advice and Homelessness team on 01254 388111.
Anyone who becomes homeless outside of office hours should contact the out of hours duty officer on 01254 388111.
If you see a rough sleeper you can visit Streetlink giving details of the rough sleeper and they will notify the relevant local authority.
Hyndburn Council will coordinate and provide emergency accommodation at times of severe weather, to create safe spaces for people sleeping rough to leave the streets an take shelter from harmful weather conditions.
The Council and voluntary sector organisations work together to provide emergency provision for those who are sleeping rough or at risk of sleeping rough during periods of cold and severe weather.
Anyone who has been verified as sleeping rough or at risk of rough sleeping can view the SWEP Protocol