Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support

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Do I qualify for housing benefit?

We no longer accept claims for Housing Benefit unless you fall into one of the following categories:

  1. You and your partner are both state pension credit age. If you are not sure, you can check your state pension age online.
  2. You live in temporary or supported accommodation.

If you do not fall into any of these categories, then you must apply for Universal Credit.

If you can still claim Housing Benefit, the amount you may qualify for depends on

  • your income (and that of your partner if you have one)
  • your personal circumstances
  • if any other adults (apart from partners) live with you and
  • the amount of rent you pay

Our benefit calculator can help you to find out how much you may qualify for.

Universal Credit

Hyndburn is a Universal Credit Full Service area which means that a fully digital service is now available to all working age claimants of Universal Credit.

If you are unemployed and either seeking work or are unable to work through illness or disability, you may be entitled to Universal Credit and can claim online.

If you are on Universal Credit, you may receive any support towards your rent in your Universal Credit payment (if you qualify).

If you have already been on Universal Credit and have come off it for any reason, you must re-apply for Universal Credit if your circumstances change (for example, you are out of work again or your income has reduced).

You can contact the DWP for unemployment benefits, disability benefits and Universal Credit:

Apply for Universal Credit online.

Help claiming Universal Credit online

Call the helpline if you need help making your claim online.

Universal Credit helpline
Telephone: 0800 328 5644
Textphone: 0800 328 1344

Information about call charges.