Hyndburn’s New Local Plan
Emerging Local Plan Regulation 18(2) Consultation
A short video was produced as part of the Reg 18(2) consultation.
Local Plan Consultation Video (9 minutes)
2019 consultation documents
On 26 February 2019 the Council published two key consultation papers as follows:
Core Strategy Review: Regulation 18 Consultation Draft: this set out a vision for Hyndburn as a place in 2036, including aspirations to grow the local economy and population of the Borough. The consultation document set out a series of strategic objectives along with 32 draft planning policies which detail, amongst other matters, the quantum of planned housing and employment growth (and broad distribution by area).
Site Allocations DPD: Regulation 18 Consultation Draft: when finalised this document will formally allocate areas of land for development to ensure that a sufficient range and quality of sites are available to meet the growth aspirations set in the Core Strategy. It will also confirm which areas are to be protected from development, such as areas of formal Open Space or areas of Green Belt. In this current consultation the Council is seeking views on the initial site assessment work of 179 sites from which it will select its preferred sites for allocation for housing and employment uses in the next stages of the plan making process – site assessment reports are set out in Appendix 4 (grouped by Local Plan Area).
Additional supporting documents:
- Core Strategy Review: Growth Option and Spatial Option justification paper (Jan19)
- Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy Review and Site Allocations DPD
- Local Plan evidence base documents
Consultation Outcomes
Responses received to the consultation were reported to the Council’s Cabinet in September 2019 with a Council response to each comment received.