Hyndburn Borough Council’s Cabinet approved the Huncoat Garden Village Masterplan at its meeting on the 20 October 2021.
Plans for Huncoat Garden Village took a major step forward following the Cabinet’s decision to approve the Masterplan, which will see the development of 1,500 new homes over the next 10-15 years on the edge of the existing Huncoat Village.
Huncoat Garden Village forms a key part of Hyndburn Borough Council’s growth plans and the Masterplan is a clear statement of the Council’s ambition to enhance the Borough’s housing offer. The Masterplan is a flexible planning framework that sets out the vision and objectives for a vibrant Garden Village in Huncoat.
Plans for the Garden Village include 1,500 new homes; including affordable homes, a local centre, highway improvements including a new road, additional school provision, new sports pitches and play areas, cycle and pedestrian routes plus new and enhanced formal and informal open spaces.
New development in the village will have to meet the requirement of the Masterplan and a bespoke Huncoat Design Code, which is currently being finalised. This planning framework will assist the Council in securing and maintaining the highest quality and standards of design and sustainability.
Hyndburn Council’s Leader, Councillor Miles Parkinson OBE said:
“This is a significant and ambitious project for Hyndburn and a once in a lifetime opportunity to create a Garden Village in Huncoat which offers a range of new homes to help meet future housing needs and demand in the Borough. This masterplan supports our growth plans and future prosperity.
“I am delighted that the Masterplan also supports our climate emergency declaration, by setting a framework for sustainability. Huncoat Garden Village will expect the highest standards of sustainable design and construction, essential in building new homes that meet future requirements for decarbonisation, making positive steps towards carbon zero.
Councillor Parkinson also acknowledged the input from local community, stating:
“The development of the Masterplan involved consultation and engagement with residents of Huncoat, whose views helped to shape the outcome. Members of Huncoat Forum, together with the two locally elected members (Councillors Dave Parkins and Eamonn Higgins) assisted the Council with the consultation and I would like to thank them for their support and hard work throughout the process. The Masterplan will help us to create a unique Garden Village in Huncoat, a place people aspire to live and enjoy.”
Councillor Loraine Cox, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Wellbeing said:
“The Garden Village is a wonderful opportunity for high-quality housing in a fantastic landscape setting. It will not only help the Borough retain people that may otherwise leave to meet their housing aspirations elsewhere, but also attract new households to the Borough.”
Councillor Cox also emphasises:
“Huncoat Garden Village will be nationally significant for creating new, sustainable garden communities. At a critical point, with the need to build new housing as well as respond to the challenges of climate change, the Masterplan sets clear expectations that when planning for new housing, everything possible must be done to protect the environment.
“For this reason, the Masterplan sets a framework for the highest possible standards in protecting Huncoat’s rich natural environment including the protection, conservation and enhancement of existing habitats including woodland, grassland and watercourses”.
The proposals for Huncoat are based on a modern interpretation of the Garden Village principles. At the heart of the Garden Village idea is the development of a settlement which enhances the natural environment and provides high quality new housing with good access to jobs in a beautiful, healthy and sociable community setting.
The Council is working with landowners and several developers who are interested in bringing forward land in Huncoat for residential development.
For further information and to view the Huncoat Garden Village Masterplan, please visit