Taxi Safety Checks carried out in Successful Multi-Agency Operation
On Wednesday 26th April, Hyndburn Borough Council officers joined forces with Lancashire Constabulary in a multi-agency safety operation to spot-check vehicles licensed and operating within the Borough of Hyndburn. This procedure involved carrying out random, high-scrutiny safety checks on the vehicles in an endeavour to keep residents safe.
Seventeen vehicles were checked and thoroughly inspected by the Council’s Vehicle Maintenance Unit on the night, with thirteen of these found to be licensed under Hyndburn Borough Council.
Cllr Sajid Mahmood, Portfolio holder for Licensing, said:
“These safety checks are carried out in addition to the regular checks that are carried out every 4 months to most licensed vehicles (dependent on age), ensuring that the Council’s high standards for vehicle safety are always met. I would like to thank all the agencies involved in providing these essential checks that help make Hyndburn a safer place to live in.”
A total of seven vehicles from the thirteen registered to Hyndburn were found to have faults, five of which have since been suspended until the found faults are rectified. The faults included a variety of safety issues, including: headlight bulbs not working, side lights not working, and number plate lights not working.
Spot checks on Hyndburn’s licensed vehicles will continue to be done without prior warning as part of the multi-agency initiative to maintain high standards and improve safety throughout the Borough.