Traders Open for Business Ahead of ‘Market on the Square’ Launch
We are delighted to announce that all of the Accrington Market traders have now moved into the new temporary cabins on Accrington Town Square and are open for trading, ahead of the official launch of the ‘Market on the Square’. The opening of the temporary ‘Market on the Square’ marks a significant milestone for the project and paves the way for the regeneration of Accrington and the wider Hyndburn region.

This achievement represents a commitment to the ongoing development and improvement of Accrington, and to working closely with the local community to ensure that the completed development enhances the area for residents, businesses, and visitors.
Cllr Mohammed Younis, Portfolio Holder for Levelling Up, said:
“It’s been an exciting few weeks as our traders have been moving home – we are looking forward to arranging an event to celebrate once they have all successfully settled in and the final signs and canopies have been installed. It has been a pleasure to see our community come together to support the ongoing transformational plans so far and it will be great to see everyone making a visit to the new Market on the Square”
The Artisan Bakers, Accrington Market Traders, said:
“Footfall has never been better, and people have come out in hoards to support us. We have been open for 5 days so far and every day we have sold out! We are delighted and looking forward to the official market opening in March.”
Neil Radford, Rapid Retail, Manufacturer, said:
“We are delighted to have provided 19 bespoke rented units for Accrington Market that will take pride of place on Accrington Town Square. We understand how important it is to the traders that their new home has everything they need to trade successfully during this period, and for them to move in a way that minimises disruption, and we’ve been keen throughout to listen to their feedback and provide solutions that meet their needs, as well as helping to preserve heritage in Accrington.”
Accrington Town Square’s transformational projects have been made possible through the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. For further information about the Accrington Town Square transformation and to find out how to get involved in the various upcoming projects, head to Home – Accrington Town Square.