Nuisance Vehicles
What is a Nuisance Vehicle?
Nuisance vehicles are becoming an increasing problem within the borough and across the UK.
The Council can investigate and take action against nuisance vehicles under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.
Nuisance vehicles can be either vehicles for sale on the road or vehicles being repaired on the road.
Vehicles for Sale
The offence of selling vehicles on the road is intended to target those people who run a business selling and/or repairing motor vehicles and use the road as a mock showroom. It is not intended to target individuals selling their private car. It is intended to combat the nuisance caused by the presence of several vehicles being offered for sale in the same street or area for the purposes of a business.
The Act therefore states that an offence is being committed when there are two or more vehicles within 500 metres of each other being offered for sale.
It is recognised that a private individual may have more than one vehicle to sell and may park them close together in the street. However it is anticipated that this will be rare and that his/her ownership of the two (or more) vehicles can be easily established and by local enquiries. It can also be ascertained whether the owner practices this on a regular basis. A person will not be convicted if he can prove he was not acting for the purposes of a business.
Repairing Vehicles
The offence of repairing vehicles in the street is primarily aimed at those carrying out repairs as part of the running of a vehicle repair business.
However, if a private individual repairs their own vehicle in the street, it will still be an offence where this gives reasonable cause for annoyance to people who live nearby. Regardless of whether it is done in the course of a business an offence can still be committed.
This legislation is not aimed at roadside repair organisations or mechanics repairing broken down vehicles at the roadside as long as the work on the vehicle is completed within 72 hours.
The Council is unable to take action against nuisance vehicles such as;
- Poorly parked vehicles
- Vehicles causing obstruction
- Residential/Neighbour parking disputes
- Vehicle breakdown