Planning Enforcement

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Control of Unauthorised Development


If you have not applied for planning permission where required or have breached the conditions of your planning permission or associated agreement, the Council has the power to take enforcement action to secure compliance.

The Council must weigh up the seriousness of the breach and the harm caused before deciding on an appropriate course of action.

If a situation cannot be amicably resolved an enforcement notice may be served under Section 172 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The Council’s approach to Planning Enforcement is set out in the Planning Enforcement Code of Practice adopted in November 2010.

The Code of Practice refers to the PPG 18 which is available as an internal download below.

 You can report any suspected breaches of Planning Control by contacting us through the Contact Centre  01254 388 111 and asking for Planning Enforcement or by direct email to

Please note – We cannot normally deal with anonymous complaints. You will need to provide your name and address if your complaint is to be investigated. Your details will remain confidential and will not be divulged, but the person being complained about may have a reasonable idea who has complained,  for example if you live in an isolated area or you are the only person who would be affected.

To see more about how we record and store your information please see the Council’s privacy notice.

You can check if we have recently issued an Enforcement Notice by following the instructions on the next page.