Privacy Notice for Premises Licenses and Gambling
Who do we hold personal information about ?
- People who apply for, or hold, a licence under the Licensing Act 2003 or the Gambling Act 2005 and / or their solicitors, agents and other advisors
- People who complain to us about a licence holder or a licensed premises or other matters within the remit of the Licensing Team
What types of personal information do we hold ?
We will collect and use the following types of personal information:
For people who apply for, or hold, a licence:
- Your contact details (such as name, address, telephone number, email address)
- Contact details for your agent or advisor, if you have one (such as name, address, telephone number, email address)
- Your date of birth
- Your photograph
- Information relating to enforcement action we may have taken or investigations we have carried out, such as interview records (which may be in paper form or which could be voice recordings of interviews)
This is usually information you and / or your agents will have supplied to us, although when we carry out investigations we may collect information about you from other people, including the Police
For complainants:
- Your contact details (such as name, address, telephone number, email address) and those of any witnesses
- Your date of birth
- Details of your complaint
This is usually information you will have supplied to us.
What types of special categories of personal information do we hold ?
We will collect and use the following types of personal information:
For people who apply for, or hold, a licence:
- Basic criminal disclosure information of personal licence applicants. We usually check this information and return it to you. However, we may retain this information until your application has been determined.
For complainants:
- Health details or details of vulnerability (such as being in care or having a learning disability etc.) where this is relevant to the complaint
This is usually information you will have supplied to us.
What do we use personal information for ?
- To process applications for licenses under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005, together with other, miscellaneous licences
- To investigate complaints about a licence holder or particular licensed premises
- To take enforcement action in accordance with our statutory powers, which may include prosecution or reporting our concerns to the Licensing Committee which has power to revoke licenses or amend licence conditions
What is the legal basis for the use of personal information ?
We will process your personal information (including special categories of personal information) in accordance with our obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018. In particular, we will use your personal information:
- With your consent; and / or
- Where this is necessary to perform a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council; and / or
- To protect your vital interests or those of another person.
Who might we share your personal information with ?
Sometimes we will share your personal information with other agencies in order to perform a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us. For example, we may share your personal information:
- With the Police in connection with an investigation; and
- With HMRC as part of the annual return we are required to make to them;