Private Hire Vehicles

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Private Hire Vehicles in Hyndburn


Private Hire Vehicles cannot ply for hire in the street or at taxi ranks. Journeys must be pre-booked, normally by phone or in person at an operator’s office (cab office). Failure to do so is an offence and invalidates the vehicle’s insurance cover.

The Council does not regulate fares for Private Hire Vehicles, the cost of a journey will normally be based on a rate per mile or should be agreed with the company before the journey.

Several laws affect proprietors and vehicles but the main Acts of Parliament covering the licensing of Private Hire Vehicles are contained in Part II of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. This Act states we cannot limit the number of Private Hire Vehicle Licences.

This Act says we cannot limit the number of vehicle licences and must grant a vehicle licence if we are satisfied that:

  • Your car is suitable in type, size and design for use as a Private Hire Vehicle.
  • The mechanical condition is to be confirmed by a detailed inspection report undertaken by the Council
  • The Inspection Report is to be completed and signed by the Council mechanic who carried out the inspection.
  • In the case of a recently acquired vehicle a report from the garage which sold the car will not be accepted.
  • Your car must be insured for Private Hire work.
  • Your car is constructed and adapted to carry at least 4 but no more than 8 passengers.
  • You are responsible for the keeping and running of the vehicle either solely or in partnership with other persons.
  • You have been honest in supplying information to us and must not, under any circumstances, make a false statement at any time to obtain your vehicle licence as this is a serious offence.
  • There are many different makes and styles of vehicle on the road today. Not all vehicles would be suitable for use as a Private Hire Vehicle and you should contact the Council to discuss the matter.

The vehicle must also comply with the following conditions:

  • Have a minimum of 4 opening doors
  • Have seats, floor covering and roof linings maintained in a clean condition and be free of tears and cuts (vehicle specification)

Also, licensed vehicles are subject to safety checks at any time by the police, licencing enforcement or DVSA, who have powers to suspend or prohibit vehicles that are found to be defective.

View the Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy 

Once you have been granted a Joint Driver’s licence and been issued with a badge, you may then licence your own vehicle for use as a Private Hire Vehicle.