Public Question Time

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Public Question Time at Meetings of the Council

To give people in Hyndburn more opportunities to have a say in the Council’s decision-making, and to encourage people to get involved, Hyndburn Borough Council has introduced a Public Questions session at each ordinary meeting of the Council.

Anyone living in Hyndburn, or any business or other interested sectors in the Borough, will be able to submit a question to either the Leader of the Council, a Cabinet Member or a Chair of a Committee, about any matter within the Council’s responsibility or any matter that the Council may be able to influence.

Your question must not be defamatory, frivolous or offensive, or be about a matter for which the Council has no responsibility or which does not affect Hyndburn, or requires the Council to disclose confidential information, or be substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the Council in the last six months.

Only one question may be submitted per person and must state the questioner’s name and address and to which of the above Council members the question is addressed.

Questions will be put by the Chair of the meeting (the Mayor) and asked in the order they are received, although similar questions may be grouped together.  The questions taken will receive an oral answer and those that cannot be put within the allotted time period will receive a written answer within 10 working days.

Questions must be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive or via the Public Question Time online form, at least three clear days in advance of the meeting and must be received by twelve noon on the last day for receipt of the question.  Clear days means working days and excludes the day the question is received and the day of the meeting.

Written correspondence should be sent or delivered to –

Chief Executive
c/o Democratic Services
Hyndburn Borough Council
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

Please view the Procedure for Question Time at Council meetings or contact Democratic Services on 01254 388 111.