Site Allocations

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Local Plan preparation

The allocation of sites to accommodate future development requirements is an important element of the plan making process in the Borough.  Initial Local Plan preparation work at the three Regulation 18 stages was towards the preparation of a separate Site Allocations DPD.  However, the decision was taken in 2021 to combine it with the Core Strategy Review and a combined Local Plan 2037: Strategic Policies and Site Allocations is being progressed to the Regulation 19 (Pre-submission/Publication) stage.

Until a Local Plan 2037: Strategic Policies and Site Allocations is adopted planning applications will continue to be determined in accordance with the Hyndburn Core Strategy (2012), Accrington Area Action Plan (2012), Development Management DPD (2018) and any relevant saved policies from the Borough of Hyndburn Local Plan (1996).

Call for Sites

The Call for Sites exercise was the opportunity for landowners, developers and the public to submit proposals for the future use of land in Hyndburn to the Council to inform preparation of the Council’s new Local Plan.

It is a key means of identifying sites for inclusion in evidence base work and sites will be subject to a site assessment process in due course as part of the plan preparation process.  Please note that the Call for Sites exercise does  not in itself determine whether or not a site should be allocated for development; a decision will only be made formally through the Local Plan process.

The Council accepted site submissions up to Monday 27 January 2020 and submissions received after this date will not be considered by the Council for inclusion the Publication Plan.

Whilst you cannot submit further sites, if you wish to be kept informed directly of any consultations or deadlines in relation to the Local Plan then please email and ask to be placed on the Planning Policy consultation database.

Sites that have already been submitted to the Council for consideration under the Call for Sites process are available to view online.

An online map of submitted sites can be viewed here (select ‘POLICY’ Category, then ‘Call for Sites’ on the left hand menu)