Trees in Parks and Open Spaces
Trees Within Hyndburn
Trees are an important resource to the borough, improving air quality, providing a habitat for wildlife and improving the appearance of both the urban and rural environment.
The council manages a large number of trees on council owned land, within parks and open spaces.
There are also a vast number of trees on private land including trees within private gardens, on private land, trees in cemeteries, street trees, trees on unadopted land and woodland and forest plantations, however the council do not manage these trees.
Trees planted by the road side are likely to be owned by Lancashire County Council.
Trees within the grounds of Hyndburn Homes properties are owned and dealt with by Hyndburn Homes.
The council has a limited annual maintenance budget for the maintenance of council owned trees; priority is therefore given to dangerous trees. Trees are not therefore pruned for the following reasons:
- Casting shade
- Dropping leaves or other light debris such as twigs and seeds
- Disrupting radio receivers (Satellite dishes, TV aerials)
- Size
- Blocking views
- Alleged root damage
- Aphid residue
Information regarding Tree Preservation Orders and trees within Conservation Areas can be found within the planning section of the website.