Waste and Recycling
Waste and Recycling Helpful Hints and Tips
In order to get the most out of your wheeled bin we offer the following tips.
- When fully recycling all your glass jars/bottles, food/drink cans, aerosols/clean tin foil, newspapers/magazines, plastic bottles, cardboard and textiles you can reduce the volume of your household waste by over 70%.
- Double wrap any cooked foods or carcasses before placing them into the bin.
- Occasionally wash your bin with disinfectant to keep it clean and fresh.
- Present your bin for collection however small the quantity.
- Flatten any bulky items where possible.
- Pierce sacks to remove unwanted air.
- Fully utilise the green waste collection service (if applicable).
Residents must present their wheeled bin at the designated collection point by 7.30am on collection day. As a guide, your wheeled bin must be presented at the following location:-
On estates:
- At the rear of the footpath to the front of the property (not on your property).
Terraced properties:
- Where the vehicle can safely manoeuvre up the back street, wheeled bins should be presented in your gateway with the handles facing outwards.
- Where the vehicle cannot access the back street, wheeled bins should be presented at the nearest collection point.
If you are unsure as to where you should present your wheeled bin for collection, please contact the Customer Services Team on 01254 388 111 to arrange for an officer to discuss this with you.
To help keep your area looking clean and tidy, your wheeled bin should not be presented for collection any earlier than 6.00pm on the evening prior to collection and should be returned to your property as quickly as possible after being emptied.
This is extremely important if you live in a property with a back street, as the mechanical sweeper is scheduled to sweep your street the first working day after collection.