Wind Turbine Applications
Wind Turbines in Hyndburn
In addition to the usual constraints on development, wind turbine applications can become progressively harder to approve as they potentially interfere with Air Traffic Control radar (military or civilian) or other infrastructure.
The approval of one turbine in a localised area or in direct line with another turbine or a radar facility, may affect the approval of another turbine in the same area.
This means that the likelihood of gaining approval may change during the period between any pre-application advice or even formal advice from the MOD and the submission date.
A turbine application outside Hyndburn may affect an application in Hyndburn.
Please ensure that the turbines, not the property address, are located in Hyndburn before applying. View an online map and select Boundary in the drop-down list in the category box.
Amongst others, we consult with NATS, the Ministry of Defence, local airfields, the Joint Radio Company and Arqiva for all wind turbine applications.
NATS also have software to enable you to undertake your own pre-application assessment. The informative leaflets are available below using the NATS forms link.
For general pre-application advice, please see the pages Do I need Planning Permission? and for both pre-application advice and a full application refer to the Validation Checklists and download No.18: Revised Summary of validation requirements Wind Turbines. Please also complete the MOD Developers proforma form available in the link below.
Also see the Met. Office requirements due to the weather radar on Hameldon Hill. Download the advice notes from the Met. Office by downloading them from the Pre-application Advice Notes.
For domestic wind turbines please see the link below to the Planning Portal guidance on domestic wind turbines.
In addition to the Validation Checklist requirements, in December 2013 the Government introduced new consultation requirements for new applications for 2 or more turbines or where the turbine hub-height exceeds 15 metres.Please check: Pre-Application Consultations for Wind Turbine Applications. These are undertaken by the developer prior to submitting a planning application.
If you are consulted by a wind turbine developer please reply directly to the developer with your comments, ensuring they relate to the wind turbine itself and how you will be affected and not the consultation process. A consultation at this stage allows you to state any concerns and gives the developer the opportunity to address those concerns.