Noise Nuisance
Noise Nuisance
We can investigate noise nuisances on your behalf and if necessary take action against the person/s causing the nuisance.
Types of noise nuisance:
- loud music
- barking dogs
- noise from pubs or clubs
- car and intruder alarms
- industrial noise (e.g. factory/workshop)
- commercial noise (e.g. shop/restaurant)
- construction site noise
- open space (e.g. playground)
* we do not have powers to deal with aircraft, railway or road traffic noise.
In assessing whether noise is a statutory nuisance the following is considered:
- disturbance (e.g. by preventing you sleeping)
- loudness
- length of time
- occurrence
- time of day
- type of noise
- locality (e.g. town / countryside)
* we are unable to help you with “one-off” or very infrequent noise problems.
How to tackle noise nuisance
- Talk to your neighbour
In dealing with a disturbance of this kind experience has shown that sometimes the best way of solving the problem can be for you to talk directly to your neighbour to try and resolve the matter amicably.
If however you feel your safety may be a concern DO NOT put yourself in danger of physical assault or verbal abuse and let Environmental Health deal with the matter formally.
- Taking your own action
If you would like to take your own action, please visit our how to take your own legal action to deal with a noise nuisance page.
- Report it to us
If after speaking to your neighbour you need further help from us to resolve the issue, please complete our online form:
How to Report a Request for Service
To make a request, please contact Environmental Health on 01254 388 111 or e-mail
You can also visit us at;
Environmental Health
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street
What happens next?
You will be sent a set of log sheets to fill in over the course of a few weeks to support your allegations. Click Here: For an example and how to complete the record sheet
During this time and after you return your log sheets, you will have access to the Out of Hours Noise number, details of which will be supplied in the pack. You will not have access to this number until you receive the noise pack.
When you have returned your log sheets, they will be assessed to determine the extent of the disturbance. Visits will then be made to the complainant, outside office hours where necessary to attempt to witness the noise as it is happening.
We will write to the person causing the nuisance saying that a complaint has been made, asking them to take any steps that may be necessary to reduce noise. Details of your name and address will be kept confidential. Occasionally, however, the person you have made a complaint about may guess who has complained or may approach you to ask if you have made the complaint.
If the Council decides to take legal action in respect of your complaint, you may be asked to provide a statement and may be asked to appear in Court as a witness. We would however discuss this with you fully at the time and take your wishes into account.
Noise recording equipment may be used to gain evidence of the level and duration of noise. If the Officer is satisfied that a Statutory Nuisance exists, a Noise Abatement Notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 will be served on the person causing the problem. Failure to comply with the notice after the specified period of time is a criminal offence and the person could face prosecution and/or seizure of their equipment, for example stereos, speakers and musical instruments.