Pest Identification Service
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Hyndburn Borough Council offers a FREE identification service, so if you find a pest species that you’re unsure about then the Councils expert team can help identify and give you the appropriate advice on any relevant control measures.
Advice for Samples
- No live samples to be sent
- No crushed or damaged samples
- For Flies & Moths… Take care not to damage the wings
- Samples to be placed in a clean sealed jar or tub with the lid to be taped up
- Jar or tub to be double bagged, along with the bags tied or taped up
- Clear customer details attached to the bag or sample tub
Customer Details – Please fill in the form here: Pest ID – Client Details
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Location sample taken from
- Any further comments
Please post or drop off any samples to be identify to:-
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street
For any other further advice or information you can contact us on:-
Phone:- 01254 388111