Land Charges
Personal Land Search
A Personal Land Charge search is carried out by a member of the public or their representative and the register is made available for inspection by the person conducting the search. No forms are provided, so personal searchers need to understand what they are looking for and make their own notes.
The fees are outlined below for refined data to complete the CON29R form. Personal searches are conducted by appointment only, you should contact us on 01254 388 111 to make an appointment. Searches can be carried out during normal office hours although 48 hours notice is required.
In practice, personal searches are carried out by professional agents acting for solicitors. However they will only be looking at Statutory Public Registers and not the other detailed information held by the Council; this data can be obtained by an agent for a further fee.
If you propose to use an alternative service you should consider the following –
- What searches will actually be carried out?
- What qualifications and experience will the searcher have?
- What will I get for my money?