Key Statistics and Data Links

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  • Hyndburn’s Population – 82,234 (Source: Census 2021)
  • Number of Households – 34,789 (Census 2021)
  • 82% of the working age population is Economically Active (ONS Annual Population Survey 2024)
  • 20% of Hyndburn’s population is below the age of 15 (Census 2021)
  • 18% of Hyndburn’s population are aged 65 and above (Census 2021)

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Census information – Neighbourhood Statistics

Crime – Information from Safer Lancashire website

Economy – Latest statistical update from Lancashire County Council

Education – Children and Young people

Health – Hyndburn Health Profile

Indices of Deprivation – 2019 IMD findings

Population – Latest statistical update from Lancashire County Council

Ward Profiles – Interactive Ward guide

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Information and statistics on Hyndburn