Hackney/Private/Joint Driver’s Licence

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If you have reason to complain about a licensed driver, vehicle or operator licensed by us, you can submit your complaint to the Licensing Department.

In order for us to deal with your complaint effectively you will need to supply us with:

  • your name and contact phone number
  • details of the driver, vehicle or operator you wish to complain about (including the licence number if known)
  • details of what your complaint or problem is, including dates, times and location as appropriate

If you wish to submit your complaint in writing, the Council have a complaints form, that you could complete.  Once complete, you can return it back to us by hand, post or email by using the email address shown below.

All complaints are dealt with in the strictest confidence and your details will not be released, but they are required for us to contact you for further details.

Please note that, if your complaint relates to a road traffic infringement, such as alleged “road rage”, your complaint must be made to Lancashire Constabulary in the first instance.

Completed complaints should be sent to:

Licensing Department
Hyndburn Borough Council
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

Ring 01254 388 111 (between 11:00am and 4:00pm, Monday to Thursday, and 9:30 am to 2:30 pm on Friday)
E-mail licensing@hyndburnbc.gov.uk