Submitting a Planning Application
Paper-Based Submissions of Planning Applications
If you want to submit the application on paper please ensure you include the following which are in addition to those needed for an application through the Planning Portal .
Three signed and dated copies of the application form (One copy for Householder applications).
- For each application form a copy of supporting documentation and drawings as detailed in the Validation Checklist.
- One electronic copy of your application form and supporting documentation must be submitted on a CD or DVD or by email.
You may include any other information to support your proposal or clarify an issue. This information must be provided in the form of a letter and may assist the application process.
Please note: 6th December 2023
The Government has increased application fees from the 6th December 2023.
In addition to increasing the fees the option of a “free go” has been removed for new applications.
In addition an annual rise in application fees linked to inflation (and capped at 10%) every April from 2025 onwards will now apply.
You can see further details of the changes here on this link to the Planning Portal:
Details of the planning application fee increase and other changes to fees
Payment for your application can be made by cheque, made payable to Hyndburn Borough Council, or by cash at Planning Reception, or over the telephone.
To pay by telephone it is helpful if you first email with the application address, and your telephone number and we will call you to take payment.
(Contact centre:01254 388 111 during our office opening hours (9:00-5:00 each day. Although we are open until 5:00 please telephone as early as possible to allow time for the payment to be made).
Please check with the relevant Validation Checklist to ensure you have completed and attached all relevant documentation for your application.