Submitting a Planning Application
Amending an Approved Application
Post Planning Permission Non-Material Amendments can be made to existing planning permissions in certain cases, at a reduced application cost and with less documentation.
Minor amendments to a scheme can be considered as a way of allowing the planning system to respond in a reasonable and flexible manner to small changes to an approved scheme without seeking a fresh application.
The discretion rests with the Council as to whether the amendments constitute a non-material revision to a planning permission while keeping it inside the scope of the original permission.
The circumstances where you can take advantage of this are listed in the Post Planning Permission Non-Material Amendments Note, available via the link below in Further Information.
The current fee can be found by following the link below to the Application Fees. The application form can be found on the Planning Portal paper forms chooser.
Please note: 6th December 2023
The Government has increased application fees from the 6th December 2023.
In addition to increasing fees the option of a “free go” has been removed for new applications.
You can see further details of the changes here on this link to the Planning Portal:
Details of the planning application fee increase and other changes to fees