Submitting a Planning Application
Planning Application Decision Process
We will register and acknowledge receipt of your completed application by email if provided, to your Agent if you have one, and include contact details of the planning officer dealing with your application. If you telephone or write please quote the officers name or ring direct to the officer.
We may ask you to consider amendments to your application in order to make it acceptable in terms of Council policies or to secure development of a satisfactory standard. Any requests or suggestions will be set out clearly in a letter or e-mail.
Case officers visit all application sites early in the process but will only arrange a formal appointment with you if there are access problems.
The Council is allowed 8 weeks (13 weeks for Major applications) to deal with applications and, during that time, we will consult neighbours and various departments and other bodies, visit the site, and consider the proposal against the adopted Council policies.
We will inform you if we need longer than the statutory period to deal with your application and explain our reasons for requesting a time extension.
If your application has to be considered by the Planning Committee the Planning Officer will prepare a report with recommendations which the Planning Committee will take into account when making their decision.
We will advise you of the date of the Planning Committee meeting, which you or your agent can attend and speak at if you wish, but you must make your request via the Member Services Department – please see the arrangements for speakers at this internal link Permission to speak at Planning Committee meetings.
If you are not the applicant and wish to comment on an application please do so in writing (by letter or email or using the Comment on Application button on the relevant application on the website). Further details can be found via this internal link to the page Comment on a Planning Application.
Follow this internal link for the agenda and decisions of the Planning Committee .
You can see further explanation on the Planning Portal by following this link to the decision making process.